Start Gamedev - VE Game Programming
© 2017 Iwan Gabovitch (
Licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
1 Prepare
1. Extract StartGamedev and open the text editor using the open-editor file.
2. Read the tasks, type the code (source code) and test the results.
2 Meow game app
2.1 Interactive sound
Type in the following code, save it and test it:
1 function love.load()
2 sound = "meow1.ogg" )
3 end
5 function love.mousepressed()
6 sound:play()
7 end
The code in love.load() loads a sound file and love.mousepressed() plays it when a mouse
button is pressed or the touchscreen is touched.
2.2 Interactive image
Insert the loading of two images into love.load():
1 img
open = "open.png" )
2 img
closed = "closed.png" )
Add the following two functions to your code:
1 function love.update()
2 img
current = img
3 if sound:isPlaying() then img
current = img
open end
4 end
6 function love.draw()
7 img
current, 0, 0 )
8 end
love.update() calculates, which of the images is the current one. love.draw() draws it. Both
functions work 60 times per second. The image doesn’t quite fit but we will take care of that later.
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2.3 Random meow sounds
Add the following list (or table) of sounds to love.load():
1 soundlist = {
2 "meow1.ogg" ),
3 "meow2.ogg" ),
4 "meow3.ogg" ),
5 "meow4.ogg" ),
6 "meow5.ogg" ),
7 }
Replace the content of love.update() with code, which uses the sound list:
1 img
current = img
2 for i,u in pairs(soundlist) do
3 if u:isPlaying() then img
current = img
open end
4 end
Replace the content of love.mousepressed() with code which plays random sounds:
1 choice = love.math.random(1,5)
2 soundlist[choice]:stop()
3 soundlist[choice]:play()
2.4 Adapt to different screens
Add calculations of the relations between image and window size to love.load():
1 fx = / 1024
2 fy = / 600
Add scaling parameters to the function call in love.draw():
current, 0, 0, 0, fx, fy)
The image fits to the screen size this way, since mobile phones/tablets only have one resolution. This
is not optimal but a simple solution for the start.
2.5 Android port
You can put own graphics (drawn on the computer or on paper) and sounds into your meow game
app and change the app icon.
We recommend to code the “back” button to close the Android app:
1 function love.keypressed( key )
2 if key == "escape" then love.event.quit() end
3 end
To make the app playable on Android, a zip archive of the game must be made, renamed to and put into the StartGamedev directory. Then use the make-apk script. The
resulting game.apk must then be put on the mobile phone/tablet and installed there.
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3 Cat and mouse game app
3.1 Image and sound
Type in the following code (without -- comments), save it and test it:
1 function love.load()
2 love.window.setMode( 1280, 720) -- Changes screen size
3 grassImg = "grass.png" )
4 catImg = "cat.png" )
5 mouseImg = "mouse.png" )
6 catX = 400 -- Position of the cat
7 catY = 300
8 mouseX = 300 -- Position of the mouse
9 mouseY = 150
10 musik = "music.ogg" )
11 musik:setLooping( true )
12 musik:play()
13 end
15 function love.draw()
16 grassImg, 0, 0 )
17 catImg, catX, catY )
18 mouseImg, mouseX, mouseY )
19 end
The code in love.load() changes the screen resolution, loads the images and music, sets position
variables and plays the msuic. love.draw() draws the images, 60 times per second. They don’t
quite fit but we will take care of that later.
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3.2 Automatic and interactive movement
Add mouse click position variables and sounds to love.load():
1 clickX = 400
2 clickY = 300
3 squeak = "squeak.ogg" )
4 meow = "meow.ogg" )
Add the following three functions to your code:
1 function distance( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
2 a = x1 - x2
3 b = y1 - y2
4 return( math.sqrt( a^2 + b^2 ) )
5 end
7 function love.update()
8 mouseX = mouseX + 7
9 if mouseX > 800 then
10 mouseX = -48
11 mouseY = love.math.random( 20, 400 )
12 end
13 if distance( catX, catY, mouseX, mouseY ) < 40 then
14 squeak:play()
15 mouseX = 999
16 end
17 if distance( catX, catY, clickX, clickY ) > 8 then
18 diffX = clickX - catX
19 diffY = clickY - catY
20 norm = math.sqrt( diffX^2 + diffY^2 )
21 unitX = diffX / norm
22 unitY = diffY / norm
23 catX = catX + unitX
24 catY = catY + unitY
25 end
26 end
28 function love.mousepressed( x, y )
29 clickX = x
30 clickY = y
31 meow:play()
32 end
The distance() function calculates the distance between two dots thanks to the Pythagoras’
theorem or the formula c =
+ b
love.update() 1. Moves the mouse, 2. Puts the mouse back, after it crosses the right border or
3. when cat and mouse touch, 4. moves the cat
The code in love.mousepressed() changes the clickX and clickY variables each time a
mouse button is pressed or the touchscreen is touched.
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3.3 Screen size
Add calculations of the relations between image and window size to love.load():
1 fx = / 800
2 fy = / 450
Add scaling parameters to the function call in love.draw():
1 grassImg, 0, 0, 0, fx, fy )
2 catImg, catX
fx, catY
fy, 0, fx, fy )
3 mouseImg, mouseX
fx, mouseY
fy, 0, fx, fy )
Replace the variable assignments in love.mousepressed(), to project from the screen:
1 clickX = x/fx
2 clickY = y/fy
3.4 Score and time
Add image sizes, font configuration, time and score to love.load():
1 width =
2 height =
4 timeStart = love.timer.getTime()
5 time = 30
6 score = 0
Add time calculation to love.update():
1 time = 30 - math.floor(love.timer.getTime() - timeStart)
Add a score counter to the if block in love.update() which reacts to cat and mouse touching:
1 if time > 0 then
2 score = score + 1
3 end
Add displaying time and score to love.draw():
1 text = "Time: " .. time .. ", Score: " .. score
2, 0, 0, width, "center")
You should put the content of love.update() into a if time > 0 then ... end block
to stop the game after the time runs out. You can use a similar block in love.draw() to display
a “Game Over!” message.
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4 Matrix music DJ app
Type in the following code (without -- comments), save it and test it:
1 function love.load()
2 la, lg =,
3 names = { "lead", "drums", "drumsb", "clap" }
4 instr = {{},{}} -- Table of instruments with...
5 for i = 1, 2 do -- two rows and...
6 for j = 1, #names do -- four columns
7 instr[i][j] = {}
8 instr[i][j].snd = la.newSource( names[j] .. i .. ".ogg" )
9 instr[i][j].snd:setLooping( true ) -- Endless looping on
10 instr[i][j].snd:setVolume( 0 ) -- Loudness to 0
11 instr[i][j].snd:play() -- Track playback starts
12 instr[i][j].color = { 60
j, love.math.random(200), 200 }
13 end
14 end
15 columns = #instr[1] -- 4 columns
16 rows = #instr -- 2 rows
17 width = lg.getWidth() -- Screen size
18 height = lg.getHeight()
19 fieldW = width / columns -- Touch field size
20 fieldH = height / rows
21 end
23 function love.draw()
24 for i, row in ipairs(instr) do -- i is the index, row is the value
25 for j, instrument in ipairs(row) do
26 lg.setColor(instrument.color) -- Instruments have own colors
27 lg.rectangle( "fill", (j-1)
fieldW, (i-1)
fieldH, fieldW, fieldH )
28 if instrument.snd:getVolume() == 1 then
29 lg.setColor( 255, 255, 255, 95 ) -- on/off state is displayed
30 "fill", (j-0.5)
fieldW, (i-0.5)
fieldH, fieldW
0.4 )
31 end
32 end
33 end
34 end
36 function love.mousepressed(x, y) -- Gets started by mouse/touch
37 whereW = math.ceil( x / fieldW ) -- Calculating column
38 whereH = math.ceil( y / fieldH ) -- Calculating row
39 if instr[whereH][whereW].snd:getVolume() == 1 then
40 instr[whereH][whereW].snd:setVolume(0) -- Loudness 0%
41 else
42 instr[whereH][whereW].snd:setVolume(1) -- Loudness 100%
43 end
44 end
The code makes intense use of tables/lists and for loops as well as calculations, which might need
a bit more time to be understood.
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